Puppies were born January 18, 2006
    6 male B/T, 1 male L/T
  3 female B/T, 2 female L/T


Where's the MILK??
(For some reason -- there is nothing coming out)

OK, I got this figured out, FOLLOW MY NOSE
I just keep picking them up and putting them DOWN.. 

Nothing beats this cuddling, other then MEAL TIME. 

This is what they call going -- NOSE TO NOSE 

This is bad as long as I don't breath -- when I get my eyes open I got to see where this smell is coming from. 

You caught me - I am a thumb sucker... 
I promise by the time the rest of them open their eyes, 
this will be history.... 

Follow the NOSE!!

MOM, he won't look at me... 

I am what they joke about being a half baked muffin.. I just can't wait to open my eyes so I can see what my nose smells!! 

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